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✨ Merry Christmas from the Jolibois


Well, hello there! And Merry Christmas.

Welcome to our neck of the woods and to another issue of the Jolibois Family Christmas Picture. This is our 10TH YEAR of the Jolibois family Christmas Card. Hard to believe. I’ll be honest, I don’t think “this year’s card is my favorite one yet!” every single year. Some years I think it’s just okay. But this year… I truly do believe it’s my favorite. Anytime you include flannel shirts, axes, marshmallows and pancakes in a shoot, it’s bound to be good.

2019 was quite the eventful year. Maybe one day this won’t be true, but I feel like every year I’m blown away at how much has happened and how drastically our lives have evolved. For example:

  • Dad and Mom finally consider the post-flood house renovations to be complete.
  • I quit my job to co-found a new startup and Camille quit her job as a nurse to pursue her certification in health coaching.
  • Ben and Josie bought a new house, Ben got a new job as a police officer at the Mandeville PD and Josie graduated dental hygiene school and got a new job.
  • Landon and Anna got married, moved to Shreveport, Landon started medical school and Anna started nursing school.The pups gave lots of licks and got lots of love.

With the family spread out across 3 different cities, it was quite difficult coordinating this year’s photoshoot, but we made it work! We all drove in to Pineville, Louisiana (an appropriate place for lumberjack-themed photoshoot) since it was a good middle-ground for everyone. And once again, getting 8 people and multiple pets into a single scene was a challenge, but it was so much fun. Make sure you scroll to the bottom and watch the behind-the-scenes video (shoutout to Taylor Coleman for the dope video)!

A few stats from this year's production:

  • 23 different images
  • 114 Photoshop layers
  • 9+ total hours driven for the photoshoot
  • 0 Accidents involving sharp ax blades or fire


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Behind the Scenes Video

We’re immensely grateful for the friendships and love that make all of our lives so rich!

Merry Christmas,

—Todd, Valorie, Jacob, Camille, Ben, Josie, Landon, and Anna (and Millie, Atticus, and Scout)